How to Ask For a Pay Raise in Your Job

People work to make money, and they expect to be compensated appropriately for their efforts. It is not wrong to demand the amount of money you are entitled to, but it can be a difficult task. Many people are unsure where to begin when it comes to requesting a raise. If you are one of them, this article will assist you.

Decide How Much of a Pay Raise You Want

First and foremost, determine if you are underpaid. Are you being paid less than others in your area who are in the same position? Have you been putting in more hours than you’ve been paid for? If yes, then decide how much more you believe you deserve to earn. Calculate how much of a raise you should ask for based on this.

Wait for the Right Time to Ask

Make sure you request the raise at an appropriate time. Check to see if the business is in good financial shape. Put off asking for a pay raise if there are any signs that the company is struggling. Also, take note of your boss’s mood. If they seem stressed or unwilling to discuss a pay raise, approach them at a different time when they might be more receptive to the conversation.

Fix a Meeting

Once you find an opportunity, schedule a formal meeting with your boss to discuss your pay rise. It is better to meet in person, or have a video call if an in-person meeting is not possible. Discussing such matters over an email or on the phone is not advisable.

State the Reason You Believe You Deserve a Pay Raise

Just knowing you deserve a raise will not suffice; you must communicate to your boss the reasons why. Explain that you have worked extremely hard for the company without adequate compensation. Support your claim with a list of your achievements at work.

Present the Evidence of Your Good Performance

As mentioned above, provide evidence for the claims you are making. Present all the positive feedback you’ve received on your work since your last performance evaluation. You can also show your self-evaluation data, which demonstrates that you have worked on big projects, handled important clients, and that your efforts have benefited the company.


If your boss is willing to give you a raise but not the amount you requested, you can negotiate. Reassure your boss that your performance will only improve with the raise you desire. Discuss how you intend to contribute to the company’s future growth. Be courteous and not pushy when requesting a raise.

If you press your employer too much, you risk upsetting them and losing the chance for a raise. If your boss cannot provide a raise immediately, ask when it might be possible, thank them, and plan to revisit the discussion later.


However, if you don’t get a raise even after this, don’t be upset. Another opportunity will come. Until then, continue to improve your performance so that your employer has more reasons to increase your salary.